Frequently asked questions

What kind of education do I need to use the services of the IFactory system?

It is the policy of the IFactory system that in order to become a Resident of the System, a verified level of formal education is not required. We proceed from the fact that a person with any level of education can be a genius.

What do I need to register my Intellectual Product rights?

In order to register the rights to your intellectual product you need:

1. Valid email. This e-mail will be used for official correspondence between the System and you.

2. You need to register as a System Resident for free. This will take you about 5 minutes. Here is a link to the registration form.

3. In order to register the rights to your invention, you need to write a description of your idea. Here is a link to guidelines for writing a description  of an Intellectual Product. And, after the NFT procedure for confirming your authorship, which you will go through in the IFactory system, you will become the owner of the Intellectual Product copyright.

After that, you will be able to sell your Intellectual Product in order for its idea to be implemented by the business. Also, you can always buy Intellectual products of other residents of the IFactory system for implementation in your business.

Register in the system and get rich thanks to your mind


Intellectual Property Completion Instructions

Ask your question to the System administrator on our official page on the Reddit network.

Or send us an email to our official mail: [email protected]