About Us

Welcome To Our Company

Our mission

Create an international system of authorship verification for intellectual developments and human creative art products at the modern technological level. Minimize state participation in the authorship verifying process. Create a transparent and convenient world market for intellectual products and copyrights.

Our mission in human terms

In short, we have created a system for transferring human intellectual abilities and creative talents directly into money! Our audience is the mankind intellectual and creative elite and we want to make these people rich. More precisely – very rich! And at the same time, to move mankind by leaps and bounds along the path of technical and creative progress, sweeping away archaic bureaucratic and legal restrictions on its way!

Our history

The IFactory project was created in 2018 by an international team of young scientists and engineers.

The strategic goal of the project was to create a convenient, comfortable and safe living environment for us and our descendants.

The objectives of the project were: to develop goods and services that will make the life of both individuals and territorial communities more convenient, comfortable, and safer. Development of electronic device technologies with new functionality, accessories for working with them, creation of gadgets that increase public safety, processing and reuse of human waste. These are the main projects that our team has been developing in the first years after its creation. We, like all progressive people, feel responsible for the way we leave this world for future generations.

How did we get to “IProduct safe & trading”

And so, in the course of our developments, we faced both the problem of using third-party patents and copyrights, and the need to register or patent the rights to our inventions. This was one of the most difficult, long and uninteresting stages in our work. Thousands of dollars spent on patent lawyers, months of waiting for government patent offices responses, complex and lengthy discussions of the contract details with copyright holders.

Many historians and just interested people are surprised at the following phenomenon. As you know, in the ancient Inca Empire, one of the most extended states in the entire world history, people did not know the wheel technology! I think we have solved this riddle! According to our hypothesis, the Inca Empire had a very complex system of patenting inventions. Probably, the inventor of the wheel for 300 years of the existence of the Empire simply did not manage to obtain a patent for the invention and industrial production of the wheel!

But there is a solution!

And so, after consulting with the world’s leading experts in the field of patent and copyright law, using modern technologies of distributed databases (blockchain), we have created our system “IProduct safe & trading” for you and the whole world.

Instantly authorize your intellectual developments and creative products.

Safely store your invention documentation in our depository.

Sell yours and buy other people’s intellect and creativity products.

Let’s advance humanity to a new technological frontier together!