Section Completion Instructions


Please read this article carefully and follow our recommendations when completing the relevant sections.

In order to securely protect your copyrights to your intellectual product and be able to use, sell or implement it in the future, you need to clearly and understandably fill out the following sections.

1. Name.

Write a short (no more than 70 characters) and clear name of your technology, which will give a general idea about it.

2. Technology thumbnail

Optionally, select a picture that you want to associate with your technology.

3. Brief description

Write a short description (no more than 200 words) of your technology in resume format. Mention the purpose of the technology, the field of science or technology your technology belongs to, and its novelty. Do not use words in this section that cannot define the essence of technology without additional explanation (abbreviations, etc.).

4. Full description

In this section, describe the characteristic of your technology that expresses the essence and reveals the features of the technology that allow you to achieve the desired result. This description will define the scope of legal protection (boundary of rights holder’s rights) that our system will provide.

If competitors decide to use your technology, then the fact of copyright infringement will be determined to the extent of the essential features disclosed in the description. Therefore, the description is recommended to be drawn up according to certain rules:

 • It is important to clearly state the essence of the technology, without referring to other sources of information.

 • This section may consist of one or more paragraphs, depending on whether it contains development and clarification in relation to particular cases or characterizes a group of technologies.

 • This section may have independent clauses (which characterize the technology, determine the scope of protection) and subsequent dependent clauses (to develop or refine the set of features of the technology).

It is this description that will indicate what copyright protects – that is, it determines the object that will be subject to legal protection.

5. Differences from existing analogues

Indicate information about all known analogues of your technology and select the one closest to it. In this section, you need to describe in as much detail as possible the fundamental impossibility of obtaining the closest analogue of a similar technical result as from your technology. Each analogue needs to be described in detail. Indicate the features of analogs that coincide with the essential features of your technology and the reasons that do not allow you to achieve the result provided by your technology with the help of an analog.

6. Purpose and expected outcome

In this section, describe in detail the purpose that your technology achieves and its technical, economic, or societal outcome. If it yields multiple results, list them all.

Indicate the features of the technology that distinguish it from the already existing analogue and give examples of how these features will achieve results with the stated goal.

You can also include definitions of the main terms used in the disclosure of technology in this section. At the same time, the terms developed by you in the course of work on the described technology and the terms you introduce into scientific practice are required to be deciphered in this section.

7. Way of implementing the technology

Show how the technology can be implemented with the implementation of the specified goal and result. This is best done with the help of specific examples, you can also add photos, graphics or drawings.

For a technology whose essence is characterized using a feature expressed by a general concept, describe the means for implementing such a feature or methods for obtaining it, or indicate the well-knownness of such a tool or methods for obtaining it. For a technology characterized by the use of a tool unknown from the current level, provide information that will allow you to get it.

In this section, also provide information confirming the possibility of obtaining the specified technical result. If possible, provide objective data, such as the results of tests, experiments, generalizations, estimates and theoretical hypotheses based on empirical observations available.

8. Add a video or photo of the project (available to all)

You can add a video, photo, or other graphic material that helps partners better understand the essence of your technology. This video, photo or other graphic material will be available for viewing by all platform visitors from the moment the technology is verified.

9. Add a photo, video or project presentation (available after payment)

You can add a video, photo or other graphic material that reveals the technical essence, nuances and details of the implementation of your technology. This video, photo or other graphic material will be available for viewing only by the partner who buys your technology.

10. Categories

Select the category in which your material will be published after passing the verification procedure and placing it in the depository

11. Tags

Choose in this section the scope of your technology. If the technology can be applied in several areas, then choose several. A well-chosen area will help interested partners find your technology faster.

12. Create your own tag

If you could not find an exact reflection of the scope of your technology in the previous section, you have the opportunity to describe it yourself in one or more words.

13. Select a sales format

If you want to sell your technology, select a format from the list provided.

14. Select sale currency

Choose the currency in which you want to sell your technology.

Recommended currencies: Swiss franc, euro, US dollar.

15. Select the selling price

Write the price you want to receive for the sale of your technology.

16. Select the network where your token will be hosted

Select the blockchain token network where you want to verify your technology

17. NFT Wallet address (This wallet will receive a token confirming the ownership of the publication)

If you have a crypto wallet, enter its number and we will be able to send NFT immediately after verification of your technology. You can enter your crypto wallet number later at any time convenient for you.